
Specializing in the production of chemical products
Add:Taizhou city Binjiang Town Ring Road No. 6
Mob :Mr. Yan13905266399
Fax :0523-87595955
Small package ammonia

Name:Small package ammonia

Order Hotline:13905266399

The company can be based on the actual needs of customers to carry out a small package of ammonia wholesale

"People's Republic of China chemical industry ministry standard - ammonia" (1-88-81 HG) rules are as follows, only for reference, the actual data according to customer demand for custom index:

Industrial useAgricultural useAmmonia (NH3) content,% ≥Industrial useAgricultural use
AppearanceIndustrial ammonia water is colorless transparent or with slightly yellow liquid252015
Chroma, No.  ≤8080Residue content,g/L ≤0.30.3 
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CopyRight ? 2016 Taixing Yimin Chemical Co., Ltd.

Record number:蘇ICP備16045248號 【Background management login】 【Disclaimer of liability】

139-0526-6399 0523-87595955
Wechat number(Yan Manager)